The blue rooms have a view over the surrounding valley. Located on the first floor of the hotel, the rooms have simple, comfortable furniture, a TV, private bathroom, and Wi-Fi.
The rooms are large and spacious, with access to a large terrace on the same floor. Guests can go out on the terrace to relax, enjoy the warmth of the sun, drink good wine, or gaze at the stars. Very pure water flows from the taps in the rooms.
It is possible to add a 3rd bed in these rooms; some can even take a 4th, upon request and depending on availability.
Children up to three years of age who sleep in their parents' bed do not pay.
The hotel does not have a lift but it will be a pleasure for us to bring your belongings to the room. Come directly to reception upon your arrival, and we will give you instructions on how to comfortably reach the rooms from our private parking area.
Friendly and welcoming.Just two words to describe a stay in this magnificent place.Everything lived up to expectations.We also dined in the hotel restaurant and were delighted.Well done!
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